Take control of your Well-Being

After years of personal and professional experience, Restoria Wellness was founded to help women understand first hand how to heal and restore their well-being. With our integrative approach to wellness, guided resources, and hands on bodywork, you’ll unearth renewed confidence and tools to help your health and well-being thrive.

here to help you thrive


  • Each session is specifically tailored around you and your individual needs. The first session will include an initial evaluation discussing health records and past injuries, a visual postural assessment will take place as well as a series of range of motion tests. This is all performed on the first session in order to put together the most effective treatment plan for your specific goals. An intake form will be emailed to you upon booking your appointment which will need to be filled out prior to your session.

  • Coaching sessions are designed to help you realign balance in all aspects of life. Restoring the areas that grow us as individuals allows for empowerment. You have all the tools to cultivate a path of healing. Transformation happens when our ordinary perspective shifts & we attain a new understanding of who we really are.

  • Hydrate! Massage can be dehydrating. Put on comfortable clothing. You may be stretching or performing other physical activities that require loose clothing. Mentally prepare for taking the day to relax. If possible, don’t plan any other activities for your day. This allows you to get the most out of your experience. A massage alleviates stress, but if you immediately return to a stressful situation, you might not gain as much from the therapy.

  • While cupping is considered relatively safe, it may cause some swelling and bruising on the skin. As the skin under a cup is drawn up, the blood vessels at the surface of the skin expand. This may result in small, circular discoloration on the areas where the cups were applied. These cupping marks are usually painless, and disappear within a few days of treatment.

  • Yourself! Arriving early for your appointment can eliminate feeling stressed, rushed, or anxious. Prepare to arrive 10-15 min prior to your appointment time to finish paperwork, gather yourself, + prepare your mind/body for your healing time.

  • New comers are always welcome! I’m glad you’re here and thank you for your trust. I work with a wide range of women with varying degrees of experience with massage. Communication is the foundation of any therapeutic relationship. Be sure to discuss any discomfort or pain you may be experiencing. Feedback can help the therapist to better understand your needs and can ensure that future massage sessions are even more productive.